REVIEW: “The Oppenheimer Project” (Oppenheimer 2.1)

Reviewed by Gail M. Burns, May 1999 I was pleased to learn that D.J. McDonald was bring an updated version of his “Oppenheimer Project” to the Manic Stage. I had enjoyed the version presented there briefly in October, and was interested to see what changes had been wrought over the…

REVIEW: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at Manic Stage

Reviewed by Gail M. Burns, November, 1998 If you love Shakespeare then this is your lucky month! The Manic Stage began the onslaught, opening “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” last Thursday. Williamstheatre, Mt. Greylock, and McCann weigh in this week with productions of “Twelfth Night”, “Hamlet”, and another “Midsummer” respectively later…

REVIEW: “The Oppenheimer Project (Oppenheimer 2.0)” at Manic Stage

Reviewed by Gail M. Burns, October, 1998 D.J. McDonald and Jennifer Johanos have done a great deal of work and research on the life and times of J. Robert Oppenheimer in creating their multimedia piece “Oppenheimer 2.0”, playing this weekend only at the Manic Stage. And therein lies the problem…