REVIEW: The Drury Drama Team Presents “Our Town”

Review by Gail M. Burns, November 2004 “EMILY: Do any human beings ever realize life while they live – every, every minute? STAGE MANAGER: No – saints and poets maybe – they do some.”– Thornton Wilder Our Town It is hard to believe that, until November 18, 2004, this curmudgeonly…

REVIEW: “Proof” at the Ghent Playhouse

Reviewed by Gail M. Burns, November 2004 I hate to say this, but don’t go and see this production of Proof at the Ghent Playhouse. David Auburn’s Pulitzer Prize winning play is a suspenseful drama broaching questions of genius and madness. No one involved with this production shows the slightest sign of…

PREVIEW: Chatham High School Presents “Macbeth”

Preview article by Gail M. Burns, November 2004. For the fifth consecutive year students at Chatham High School are participating in Shakespeare & Company’s annual Fall Festival of Shakespeare. They are one of ten schools in Massachusetts and New York preparing a 90 minute version of a Shakespearean play for…