The Last Romance
by Joe DiPietro

AUDITION DATES: January 3 & 5 2022 7-10pm (with possible call backs on January 8th)
SIGN IN: 6:30pm. Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script.
AUDITION LOCATION: Sand Lake Center for the Arts. 2880 NY 43, Averill Park NY 12018

The Last Romance is the bittersweet tale of 80-year-old Ralph Bellini, a widower who once auditioned for The Met and who has harbored both a passion for the art form and a sense of sad regret over what was not to be. A chance at romance in the person of Carole comes to him suddenly in of all places, a dog park, and in that heightened state of new life possibilities, memories of the young tenor he once was ever present. Ralph’s housemate and care giving sister, Rose, already once abandoned by her husband, fears the consequences of this blooming romance. The past and its secrets and entanglements emerge and offer conflict to the joys of a second and last chance romance.

Ralph Bellini, 80, (actor who can play) a jocular, affable teaser at first glance, who has never lost his passion for opera, is open to and hungry to embrace the possibilities which a new romance offers in the face of a life marked by routine and loyalty to his sister and his memories.
Carole Reynolds 70’s (actor who can play) an attractive woman who is dignified reserved and direct in her initial rejection of her would be suitor but capable of warming to the open-hearted affirmations of appreciation and affection offered by the affable Ralph. She harbors a sad secret.
Rose Tagliatelle, late 60’s -70’s (actor who can play) Ralph’s fiercely devoted and nag of a sister who clings with tenacity and determination to the haven which her routinized life with her brother in their Italian, New Jersey neighborhood represents even as she clings to the sadness and bitterness of her own history of romance.
The YOUTHFUL SINGER, 20’s, the shadow of Ralph’s what might have been past. A tenor able to play early 20’s who can sing the beautiful snatches of Italian opera gracing the play THE LAST ROMANCE by Joe DiPietro throughout the script.

Production dates: March 18,19,25,26 @8pm. March 20,27 @2:30pm
Rehearsal Schedule: Rehearsals will be determined by the Director in collaboration with the actors during the first meeting. Tech week: March 14-17 will require that all actors be present for all rehearsals.
Production Directors: Maureen Baillargeon Aumand

Please note: ALL performers must be vaccinated from COVID-19 and will be asked to provide proof.

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